December is gonna be LIT! - The Quirky Naari

December is gonna be LIT!

If you have happened to visit The Quirky Naari Instagram page recently, you would know we are sort of obsessed with our light-me-up sneakers. No wonder they are our best-sellers! Maybe it is the time of the year or the holiday party season - but the demand for our light me up sneakers are through the roofs. We got a peek of it during the black friday sale! Many gratitude for our customers and patrons for showering their love and support in this manner.

Talking about light me up sneakers - we also added a new category to the wider collection - the Upper Glow Sneakers. Along with the existing hand-painted ones and the classic white light me ups, we are totally jiving the holiday party season with them.

 If you need context, imagine the light me up sneakers as that quirky friend of yours who is always the life of the party and often seen in and out of pubs on weekends. The one who is incredibly vocal about her feelings and stands out wherever she goes. You wouldn't take her to be the deep, pondering type of person but she often surprises with her unique brand of wisdom about life situations. She is also the one who often pushes you forward in front of your crush or edges you in front of your teacher to speak your mind clearly. Aren’t they the best?

 Apart from being the reliable cool friend, there are a few other reasons why the Upper Glow sneakers are one of our most beloved light-me-ups. The outer surface of the sneakers has a net-finish which adds a layer of refreshing femininity. As you put them on they come alive with an eclectic mix of lights that pulsate with every step. An overall club neon-esque vibe goes out which feels very much on trend as you step into the party scene. But our classic white light-me-ups still remain a fan-favorite, continuing to delight and awe wherever it goes.

 Your most reliable partner whenever it comes to make a point or to liven up any occasion. They are your most trusty companion whenever you need to stand out, sometimes literally, in the dark ;) Ultra comfort, ultra cool - our light me ups keep up the quirky quotient wherever you go, wherever you are.

 Tis the season to be LIT! With our range of light me up sneakers, make your presence felt with a pair of light me up sneakers wherever you go. Visit our website to explore a whole world of quirkiness in its finest and funnest form.